Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Crap Free Week...Kind of

Seeing other bloggers partake in their own versions of "Crap Free Week" has made me want to do my own take on this. I love how everything is modifying it based on what they see as "crap" or what addictions they want to rid themselves of.

Today Lent begins and I have this FEELING that I should give up something like Diet Coke or chocolate (because I could easily murder someone if I go a day without them). HOWEVER, I am a weenie and can't do that for 40 days. Maybe next year! (oops, I say that every year). I AM giving up candy - not that I eat a lot, but every now and then I'll snack on M&M's or random candy at work (hellllooo, conversation hearts! how I love thee). But enough of that, onto Crap Free Week!

I WISH I could give up caffeine completely during CFW, but I just know this isn't possible - at least not right away. I will try to have tea the first 3 days and then go the last 4 days without caffeine. Here are my other "rules":


- Frozen meals
- DIET COKE! (I will drink unsweetened ice tea the first 3 days, though)
- No bars
- No dessert
- Processed foods


- Lots of fruits and veggies!
- Herbal teas
- Yogurt/cottage cheese (I have a history of stress fractures and have to watch those bones since I don't drink milk) ;-)

I am planning on starting this SUNDAY, March 1st. The only exception I have to CFW (I can have ONE...right?) is Monday night I'll be getting together with my girlfriends to watch the finale of "The Bachelor" (don't hate). There are ALWAYS desserts to be eaten...and I will limit myself to ONE.

Here's hoping! I will keep you posted. :-)


Every Gym's Nightmare said...

good luck! I have crap free days, lol, i dunno if i could do a week. if you were dating my boyfriend, you'd know how hard it is to avoid crap.

Kelly Turner

Erica said...

Good luck girl! I know you can do it!

Missy said...

Good luck! Can't wait to see how it turns out!! I would try this but the whole caffeine and no artificial sweeteners (gum) part would kill me!!

HEAB said...

Best of luck with crap free week! Man, Diet Coke - I swear that stuff is laced with crack! Coke Zero was my diet soda of choice. My dad knew a coke distributor, and I could get 20 oz. bottles for 15 cents each. Finally, I quit cold turkey, and was laid up in bed with the worst headache of my life for 2 days. Crack, I tell you! That never happens when I give up coffee. I still have a sip every once in while of diet soda, but it always tastes pretty gross.

Now I get my daily dose from 1 cup of coffee in the AM...well, one huge 16 oz mug. :)

Keep us posted on your progress - looking forward to reading more!

Zandria said...

"No Crap Week," huh? I haven't heard of that, but it's definitely something I could get behind! Sometimes you just need a GOOD REASON to abstain from certain things... :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go with the CFW. Maybe once I get back from my vacation I will do a CFW....I know I could use one. I have started drinking diet cokes daily again. I had cut the habit out for months and then these ultra busy work days have lead to me drinking a diet coke a day.


Anonymous said...

I like your thinking. Switching to all-natural whole foods is an awesome detox! Good luck :)

- Sagan

Kristen Mullane said...

Oh man, I don't know if I could do a CFW. I'm with Kelly and do crap-free days, haha. Let us know how it goes and how it makes you feel!

Holly said...

Kelly - actually......DAYS are sounding better now! I know I'll slip up (haha, just trying to be realistic) but I guess I'm curious to see if I'll feel differently. And I know...some boys just eat such crap - makes me sick. (read: jealous)

Erica - thanks, girl!

Missy - welllll....I don't know about giving up gum. I'm such a wimp! I might try that ANOTHER week. Seriously might off myself if I go without gum AND caffeine. lol

Heather - oooh, Coke Zero - I <3 it! I would LOVE to get to the point where you are - where it just doesn't taste good anymore. However, I don't like coffee and think then...what would I drink? I LOVE water, but I just don't know about all water all the time. :-)
Maybe I will LEARN to love coffee, ehh?

Zandria - I agree! I don't want to give up all of this "crap" permanently, but for a week...well, I hope I can handle it.

Fitzalan - I don't blame you...with your work hours, personally I'd be spiking those with some vodka or SOMEthing. I think that's great you gave up DC before, though. It's just been a lifelong habit (thanks, mom!). Highly addictive stuff.

Sagan - I'm going to try! *Fingers crossed*

Kristen - I'm beginning to re-think this..... :-) No, hopefully I can at least learn something from it. I really hope it's not as hard as I think. (?)

healthy ashley said...

Good luck! I'm eventually going to do a little version on my own. I think most of us could use some crap-free time!